

My name's Verónica Fernández Jiménez. I'm 18 years old. My friends call me Vero. I'm studying English in Llagosta Language Center. I live in La Llagosta (Barcelona). I'm not very tall. My hair's short and it's red and brown. I have blue eyes, I am slim and my skin's white.

My hobbies are going to the cinema and to the disco, like Chic Sant Cugat, Ana, La Nit, Global Session, etc.

I often go for walks in Barcelona. I like going shopping in the Puerta del Ángel in Barcelona. Sometimes I go to supper in a Chinese restaurant or to a bar with my friends. The most important thing for me is to have a lot of friends, but only good friends.

I think that I'm a good person and nice, very shy and very quiet.

Send me a message at [email protected]

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